Associated with the College of Canon Opera
At 3rd level you can twist the logic in your own mind enough to convince yourself of the truth in your lies. When you would make a Deception check, you may make a Persuasion check instead, rendering yourself immune to insight checks that would detect a wilful lie, or effects such as zone of truth that would prevent you from lying.
However, lies told in this way are mentally taxing, and you can only this feat a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier, you may regain uses by spending inspiration dice over a short or long rest.
At 3rd level you can use Inspiration Dice as an action to force a contested deception vs insight check against a creature who can hear and understand you to a) end its hostility towards you, b) end its hostility towards another creature if it is not hostile towards you, c) become hostile towards a creature if it is not already hostile to if it is not hostile towards you. Lasts 24 hours.
If events cause the creature you have manipulated with any of these effects to regain or lose hostility towards a creature, the target creature is immune to that effect for 24 hours.
At 6th level, Over the period of a short rest you can assuage doubts and inflate triumphs, or sap morale by playing up failures. Choose a number of creatures you can see that can see and hear you equal to your Bard Level, each creature you choose rolls a contested history check against your deception. On a failure choose either effect, a) Creatures gain advantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks and saving throws for 1 hour and gains double the amount of healing from any Hit Dice spent, or b) Creatures disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks and saving throws for 1 hour and gain vulnerability to psychic damage.
Any creature who fails their check against you, regardless of the effects you have chosen, has disadvantage on Intelligence saving throws for 1 hour.
You cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Whenever you undertake the Sowing Rumours downtime activity (DMG 131), it takes you half as much time to achieve a result. If you are successful, in addition to the other effects of the downtime activity, an organised social or political faction identifying itself with the message you have spread arises in the community, the members of which are friendly towards you, but act independently from you unless you are able to assume direct control. The faction has strength relative to other factions in the community, equal to the amount of gold you spent as per the table below.
Amount spent | Village | Town | City |
10 | Medium | Minor | Fringe |
100 | Major | Medium | Minor |
1,000 | Dominant | Major | Medium |
10,000 | Hegemony | Dominant | Major |