Moon of Towers and Cities
A large moon with varied climates and the most stable orbit. It is the most ‘earth-like’ moon and therefore most peopled and populous amongst all its siblings. There are very few nations on Kallipae, civilisation is mostly represented by scattered city-states with a number of satellite towns interspersed over wilderness and uncharted territory. These cities and settlements span the range between isolated and cosmopolitan, but as a rule typically take the form as dictated by the habits of its founding people.
Dragonborn live in large family units called Dens with a single matriarch who takes the form of a Dragon. The Matriarch is mother to all the dragonborn in the Den - except for her consorts – who come from other Dens. Dragonborn larvae, when they hatch, are born as Kobolds and will remain and mature as such unless they are fed a particular type of honey by the Matriarch, allowing them to grow into fully fledged Dragonborn. No Den is alike in the process of choosing who stays a Kobold and who becomes a Dragonborn, for it depends heavily on the temperament of the Matriarch, but in general the populations of each are typically decided by the resources supplied by the Den’s territory and the risk of conflict with other Dens. That is, Kobolds eat less, but Dragonborn are necessary for war. In general Kobolds will stay within the Den, working as scholars and tinkerers (and if they are lucky, a consort), while Dragonborn are given more manual labour such as farming or smithing.
Dragonborn gain:
Kobolds gain:
Adventurers raised in a Dragon’s Den gain: