Associated with the Tabaxi.

Slicing slash

At 3rd level you learn the basic manoeuvres of the jungle hunter. You may use Ki to enhance your abilities in the following ways.

On a hit with a slashing weapon, you can spend one Ki point cause the target to make a Constitution saving throe. On a failure they are afflicted with the bleed condition, taking 2d4 slashing damage at the start of their turn. A creature can be afflicted with multiple stacks of bleed. A creature can remove a stack of blee damage by making a Medicine check vs your Monk save DC, or by using a healer’s kit. When you reach level 11, the amount of damage your bleed stacks inflict increases to 3d6.

You can spend 1 Ki point to take the hide action as a bonus action, or to double your jump distance until the end of your turn.

Bonus proficiency

At 3rd level you gain proficiency in either acrobatics, stealth, or survival. You may gain expertise in any of those skills if you already have proficiency in it.

Choose another proficiency / expertise at level 6 and level 17.

Impeccable balance

At 11th level you always land on your feet and are immune to the prone condition involuntarily. In addition, you cannot be moved against your will as a result of a failed Strength or Dexterity saving throw.

Vertical ambusher

At 17th level your climbing speed increases 15ft if you do not already have one you gain a climbing speed of 15ft. Furthermore, you can climb up completely smooth surfaces and maintain your position so long as you have something sufficient for a single finger to hold onto.

When you are above a creature, you have advantage on stealth checks to hide from them, and on attack rolls made against them. Furthermore, if you leap from a position above your target to make a melee attack against them, all your attacks made that turn deal extra damage equal to your martial arts die.