The Moon of Forests and Fumes
A small tropical moon covered in vegetation and passing close in its orbit to Elfstagh. Home of the Wood Elves descended from High Elves, and birthplace of the Firbolg, Gnomes, Tabaxi, and Yuan-Ti. Quastel Trees release opiate aerosols into the atmosphere, which the native wildlife and peoples are insensitive to, but visitors find extremely intoxicating.
No greater disappointment is recorded in the annals of the High Elves than the failed missionaries who went to Quastelvarn to bring the Gnomes and Tabaxi into a great alliance against the threat of the dark elves. Instead, they got addicted to Quastel-leaf and started a non-hierarchical commune “in tune with nature”. Wood Elves outside of Quastelvarn on the other hand are often given to fits of rage due to the withdrawal associated with not breathing an atmosphere composed of 5% dopamine.
Wood elves gain:
Adventurers raised in the Wood Elf communes gain:
Apart from Hoppits, Wood Elves probably have the most jam-packed party schedule of any nation. In fact, they would undoubtedly hold this dubious honour if they even really kept any kind of set calendar. Instead, Wood Elf communes generally just take a relaxed attitude towards parties, and most of them are spontaneous affairs. They do, however, celebrate the same holidays as the High Elves, albeit in ways that most High Elves would consider close to utter blasphemy.
The monkey-folk called the Gnomes live within great tree houses built within the canopy of the tall forest. Their observatories and sensitive telescopes scan the skies for glimpses of shooting stars and of course, the surface of Rami itself to try and glean anything they can from below the swirling clouds. Clans of Gnomes are guided by an elder druid – often a Firbolg. The word Firbolg, in the Gnomes tongue, means ‘giant’ but they are not actually related to giants at all. Rather they are large Ape-folk, tree dwellers like the Gnomes, who roam nomadically around the moon living a peaceful existence as far as can be had in the wilderness.