Associated with the genasi.

Bonus spells

At 3rd level you gain bonus spells, as well as additional spells at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 15th according to the table below. Any creature summoned by you is an elemental. In addition, the spells grant additional effects enhancing the mehpits under your control, granting it abilities in addition to the ones it already possesses.

Level Spell Effect
3 Unseen servant If you target a mephit under your control, it gains invisibility for the duration of the spell while you maintain concentration
5 Find Steed If you target a mephit under your control it gains the size, strength, and constitution of the chosen form for the duration of the spell
9 Spirit guardians (elemental damage) This spell deals your choice of fire, cold, lightning, or bludgeoning damage. As a reaction when a mephit under your control dies, its death burst damage deals an additional 3d8 damage in a 15ft radius
13 Conjure Minor Elementals All the mephits under your control have the Mephit Summoning feature (MM:217). All additional mephits summoned are under your control and do not count against the limit to the number of mephitis you can have under your control
15 Conjure Elemental If you target a mephit under your control, its stat block becomes the associated Mega Mephit.

Mega Mephits

Type Dust Ice Magma Mud Smoke Steam
Size Large Large Large Large Large Large
AC 12 10 11 11 14 13
HP 12d10+36 12d10+48 12d10+48 12d10+48 12d10+24 12d10+36
STR 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 12 (+2) 13 (+2)
DEX 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) 16 (+3)
CON 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 18 (+4) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3)
INT 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
WIS 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+2) 12 (+1)
CHA 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
Skills Perception +4Stealth +5 Perception +4
Stealth +3 Stealth +4 Stealth +3 Perception +5
Stealth +7
Claws to hit +6 +7 +5 +7 +7 +6
Claws damage multiattack 22d8+3 slashing multiattack 2
2d8+4 slashing plus 2d8 cold multiattack 2
2d8+4 slashing plus 2d8 fire multiattack 2
2d8+4 bludgeoning multiattack 2
2d8+4 slashing multiattack 2
2d8+4 slashing plus 2d8 fire
Breath/Burst Save DC DEX 16 DEX 17 DEX 17 DEX 17 DEX 15 DEX 16
Breath Area 60ft cone 60ft cone 60ft cone 20ft cone 60ft cone 60ft cone
Breath/Burst Effect Blinded and unable to speak. 1minRecharge 4-6 4d8 cold, half on save.
Recharge 4-6 4d10 fire, half on save
Recharge 4-6 Restrained, area becomes difficult terrain 1 min.
Recharge 4-6 Blinded and unable to speak. 1min
Recharge 4-6 3d12 fire, half on save
Recharge 4-6
Death Burst Area 20ft radius 20ft radius 20ft radius 20ft radius 20ft radius 20ft radius
Innate Spellcasting /day Sleep/3Gust of Wind/2Wall of Sand/1 Fog Cloud/3
Snowball Swarm/2
Heat Metal/3
Scorching Ray/2
Fireball/1 Earth Tremor/3
Earthen Grasp/2
Erupting Earth/1 Dancing Lights/3
Warding Wind/2
Lighting Bolt/1 Blur/3
Wind Wall/1
Spell Save DC/attack bonus 12+4 13
+5 13
+3 11
+3 13
+5 13

Mehpit tamer

At 3rd level You learn to speak your choice of Auran, Terran, Aquan, and Ignan. You choose another language at 7th, 11th, and 15th level.

As an action, you can summon a mephit who can understand a language you speak as an action. The mephit acts on its own initiative and obeys your commands. It has a bonus to hit, damage, and HP equal to your wisdom modifier. You can release a mephit from your control as a bonus action. If you do so, the mephit remains in this plane, and acts independently of you.

You can have a number of mephitis under your command equal to your charisma modifier at any one time (min 1).

You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your ranger level, rounded down.

<aside> 💎 Unlike their depiction in the Monster Manual, Mephits are small elementals without a distinct humanoid form. Rather, they appear as motes of elemental energy with three clawed feet, three wings, and three luminous gemstones that act as eyes, giving it panoramic vision. They are genderless, and procreate through a process reminiscent of mitosis following a period in a chrysalis state during which time elemental energy from the surrounding area is absorbed. The ‘daughter mephits’ may be of a different elemental nature to the mother, depending on the kind of energy absorbed.

A group of mephits is called a storm, and where storms grow large they may alter the landscape around them – turning forests into deserts, deserts into bogs, and bogs into meadows, etc. By nature, mephits are sympathetic creatures that easily swayed by more powerful elementals, djinn, or dragons. Where mephits of opposing elements are in the same place, they will fight for territory and space, with the losing mephit migrating to a new area.

Mephits, by and large, enjoy and seek out ‘clean’ places. Dust mephitis abhor humidity and rain, mud mephits avoid dry places, steam mephitis enjoy unpolluted air, and smoke mephitis are the opposite. Cleaning mephits by use of an appropriate spray bottle, fan, brush or other implement is always appreciated – a fact used by some to great effect, such as the maintenance of walk-in freezers, fertile farms, or in the case of one particularly lucky steam mephit, pride of place in a renowned sauna and bath-house.


Explosive mitosis

At 7th level when a mephit under your control dies, during your next turn you can summon a mephit as a bonus action. In addition, you and all mephitis under your control are immune to all damage caused by the death burst of any mephitis under your control.

Mephit spell channelling