Associated with the Yuan-Ti or adherents of Seyarsii

Born different

At 1st level the mutation that you were born with manifests additional power. Choose a mutation from the table below, which grants you a trait, as well as a cantrip. Your bonus cantrip only requires somatic components.

At level 18, your mutation also grants you an additional bonus effect to your cantrip.

Mutation Level 1 trait Level 1 bonus cantrip Level 18 Bonus effect
Vicious teeth/claws Your teeth or claws count as magical melee weapons dealing 1d6 damage. Primal savagery + str or dex modifier to damage
Wings Gain or increase flying speed by 20ft, no hover Gust + str to saving throw, push increased to 10 ft. Can hover
Tail/tentacle arm or tongue Can attempt to grapple immediately after making an attack with appendage. Thorn whip + str or dex modifier to damage
Carapace AC +1 when not wearing heavy armour. Blade ward Resist + con number of damage types of your choice
Bioluminescence You can glow, turning on and off at will to a maximum of 20ft bright light and the same amount dim light. Word of radiance + con to damage
Bioelectrogenesis Resistance to lightning damage. Shocking grasp + con to damage
Volatile guts Resistance to acid or poison damage. Acid splash or Poison spray + con to damage
Keen eyes Advantage on perception checks made using sight True strike + cha to damage of next spell
Spines Your grapples deal 1d6 piercing damage Sword burst + con to damage
Powerful lungs You can hold your breath for up to 1 hour Thunderclap + con to damage

Bonus proficiency

At 1st level you gain proficiency in either athletics, acrobatics, intimidation, survival or stealth.

Reflexive trigger

At 6th level, when you cast a spell, you may immediately cast your bonus cantrip as a bonus action. You can use this ability as many times as your charisma modifier per short rest.

X-factor regeneration

At 14th level you can regenerate your body. As a bonus action you can expend one of your hit dice to recover HP. You can use this ability as many times as your constitution modifier per long rest.


At 18th level, you choose a secondary mutation from the table, gaining the level 1 traits and bonus cantrips, but not the level 18 bonus effects.