Sworn warriors against unnatural undeath, the Abhorsen are solitary wardens - usually only a master and an apprentice. They wield special tools: a set of necromancer’s bells, and a special silvered longsword.

Abhorsen have intimate knowledge of death. While most understand that worthy souls go the Elysium, or the halls of their deity and that the evil fall to the lower planes, but there is more. A soul that goes to Elysium (or elsewhere in the higher or lower planes), passes through eight ‘Gates’ between the material world and there. The 9th Gate exists beyond the upper and lower planes, and goes to the positive and negative planes. A soul may choose to give up its individuality and pass through the 9th Gate, becoming part of the Greater Order, but it is irreversible. Astarael was forged by the Abhorsen as a means of permanently destroying those who cannot be resurrected at any cost and it is one of the few ways that a soul can be forcibly compelled to pass through the 9th Gate.


The Abhorsen’s magical mansion is surrounded by water, and automatically recognises the current Abhorsen as its owner. The house is currently guarded by a Horned Devil called Yacroushka bound by the Abhorsen’s Bells. Usually the silver collar binding Yacroushka forces them to take the form of a cat. However, when the house is under threat, Yacroushka’s true form will be unleashed, allowing it to fight the invaders.

Abhorsen’s Manual

This book contains the knowledge of generations of Abhorsen handed down over centuries of war against the undead. To decipher and use the manual you must swear the Abhorsen’s Oath: to be a tireless hunter of the undead and those who would use them. If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the book’s contents and committing them to memory, you benefit from the Abhorsen Feat. The manual then loses its magic, but regains it when you die.

Feat: Abhorsen

You gain the following benefits:

Abhorsen’s Bells

Legendary Artefact, requires attunement by a wizard, cleric or bard, or by anybody who has taken the Abhorsen Feat.

A set of seven silver bells with mahogany handles containing 10 charges, replenishing each midnight. The Bells use your spell save DC. If you do not already have a spell save DC, then the DC for these spells is equal to 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus. They are in order from smallest to largest: