No-one is too wise to learn.
While many people think of the druidic circles and ranger’s enclaves that live in the hostile wilds as co-operating towards some unified purpose, they are no more aligned in their goals than the Titans who created the lands they care for and survive on. In reality, they seek only to survive, and in order to survive in the wilderness you much achieve harmony with it. They harvest sustainably, and replace what they reap, relying heavily on the lessons passed down to them by Mizzeen. Very rarely these groups will come into conflict with each other, and usually these disagreements are settled without the shedding of blood. More often, these circles find issue with the ever encroaching borders of civilisation, with its insatiable hunger for resources, and dismissive attitude towards where its waste accumulates.
The faction leaders of individual Circles are called Archdruids or Wardens, depending on their training, and the organisations themselves are a kind of hierarchy of seniority, where each member considers themselves to be the apprentice of another, forming chains and loops of teachers and students. Finally, even the most senior member is an apprentice of the most junior, so that they may be able to learn the new ways of doing things, and completing the circle by which the groups are so named.