The Truth will always come out.

There are many opera troupes, theatre companies, street performers, circuses, or one-person acts touring the Moons at any one point in time. Most artistic directors, playwrights, professional performers, or rhetoric masters of such groups graduated from the College of Canon Opera. The Bards produced by this school are renowned for their voice, and respected for the role they play in honestly and transparently recording history, and transferring the lessons learned from it to the masses. Simply put, if history is written by the victors, then it is told by the College. If a College Bard sung it, then it must have happened. The College prides itself on its impartial neutrality in the recording and re-telling of history to all audiences. However that does not mean that they are above taking money from their wealthy patrons in order to fund the well deserving arts.

As the guardians of history, the Library of the College is the most comprehensive catalogue of world events, and many come to study there as a complement to their other studies, regardless of whether or not they aim to become Bards or not. It is located on the Light Hemisphere of Elfstagh.

The faction leader of the College of Canon Opera is the Headmaster of the School, who administers a network of companies, troupes, bards and sees to it that the motto of the College, “an honest voice never falters”, continues to be upheld.

But amongst those who are a part of the artistic community, there exists a secretive Cabal who call themselves “Jesters”. The College is, in charitable terms, too sanitary to speak truth to power. In uncharitable terms, they are corrupt. The jesters see themselves as the antidote to that poison, using a mix of subtle satire and outright subterfuge when necessary to make sure that the real truths are told to those who need to hear it. Naturally the College regards these renegades as extremely dangerous, peddlers of chaos and misinformation – idiots who incite violence and rabbles without a thought for the consequences.

There is no overall leader of the Cabal of Jesters, rather, the most senior of them who have been entrusted with the identities of their fellow conspirators are called Court Jesters, so named because of their method of holding Court as a Cabal of witches might: in the shadow of Rami, protected by the shroud of the Shadowfell.