Conductor of the subtle symphony.

While the epithet of Patron of Gravity, Music and the Sublime seems incongruous at first, it was the Titan Simhet that set the orbit of the Moons in motion using their singing to find the perfect resonant frequencies in the gravitationally fraught landscape between Rami and Knopsis.

For this reasons some theologists call Simhet “The First Bard”, and many bards rightly revere them for the truth is not so far off the mark. The multiverse was constructed using the hidden mathematics of music, and it is this symphony that bards sing to when they speak magic into the world. Simhet understood this, and used this to their advantage, considering Ketal Ketaal’s ‘runes’ to be a poor abstraction of the real language underpinning reality. Defying Ketal Ketaal’s attempts to codify every possibly chordal permutation, Simhet continually throws up new, surprising magical phenomena – what the ignorant call ‘wild magic’. However, by doing go they fulfil a crucial role, to give the Titans humility and remind them that they are their omniscient not all powerful. Some venerate Simhet as a deity of Chaos, for that is what they often appear to be, but this is only a half-truth for nothing is truly random, nor preordained.

Simhet slumbers on Elfstagh.

Aasimar rised in a Fortress of Simhet gain: