As the minutes pass, it is they who shepherd them.

By the time Rami had hatched from their world-egg, time had already run out for the people living on the surface, for nothing that fragile can survive such a calamity. But before hatching, Rami had made a bargain with the Fey, sleep and safety for their people in their weird realm, and in return the Fey would require a plane of existence carved out for themselves. It fell to Vaz Aarmir to complete this task,  and they dutifully carved out the four houses of the Feywilds, for each of the four Courts: Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring. In so doing, they ensured that the seasons would come to pass in an orderly fashion. Therefore Vaz Aarmir is the God of the Passing of Time and the coming and going of the Seasons. They are not the master of the Fey themselves, but they regulate the passage to and from the Feywilds, ensuring that each Court has their allocated periods of the year in which to ensure that there is enough warmth to see seeds and crops flourish, and enough cold to keep Elkau deep in their slumber.

Vaz Aarmir is worshipped as a time keeper and regulator, the one who ensures that Elkau is needed. Therefore, people of all persuasions are sure to celebrate the passing of one season into another in their name, all praying earnestly to keep their slumber light, lest Elkau wake to freeze out an over-long spring for a century, or Knopsis turn a lingering winter into a crushing heatwave.

Vaz Aarmir slumbers on Elfstagh.